Bear Story

Directed by Gabriel Osorio Vargas
Released 2014
Won an Oscar for Best Short Film, Animated and 5 different international film festivals.
Director, Gabriel Osorio Vargas, originally was directing a TV animated series for preschoolers to teach them basic concepts but it never aired or had any episodes. He jumped straight to this work afterwards.

Sound: The mechanical whir of machinery never ceased during the show. It kept consistency. It only ever ceased when it cut back to reality. This gave the audience a clear way to differentiate when we were looking at a story being told from the past or the present moment. The visuals also helped aid this but this paragraph's for sound. The music was also very sad and slow. It picked up pace a few times, for example when the protagonist was with his family during the show and everything was peaceful. However once the circus started taking him away, it reverted back to it's previously piano-heavy tune. The introduction of the drum for the first time was also something new and exciting to connote the addition of hope in the bear. We may not have been aware of it yet but he had a plan to escape and the drum wasn't heard until this plan was being set into motion. It shows that perhaps the instruments were used to represent the bears emotions at certain points as well as add an underlying sad atmosphere to the entire film.

Performance: It is very hard to analyze a Film that has no performers performance. That's why I'm trying it. There is no voice actor's like most animated films, which means I can't analyze that either. And because it's animated, obviously there's no people onscreen performing either. However the animation of each character made it seem very realistic. Despite most of the characters we see being animals, most often bears, their movements, facial expressions and actions all seemed to come from humans. For example near the beginning when the bear rubbed the sleep out of his eyes after just opening the window after presumably working all night. It was a very nice touch that wasn't necessarily needed but made it seem a lot more real and relatable.


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