
Directed by James Mangold
Released 2017
Genres include: Action, Drama and elements of Sci-fi
Themes include: Family, age, history, death, crime, father and daughter

In stead of talking about the micro features as I so often do, I'm going to this time touch upon producing and audience for some practice on a slightly unfamiliar topic.

Logan is technically part of a long running series of X-men spin off movies. The original X-men series has so far spanned across 6 different movies but in 2009, one of the film's (and comic's) most beloved characters 'The Wolverine' got his own self titled spin off called 'X-men Origins: Wolverine'. This movie was widely considered a horrible spin off and so everyone was quite surprised when a sequel was announced. And looking back this could have been a very effective tactic. They tried capitalizing on an already existing audience with the X-men movies by making a spin off centralized around a very popular character, however when that didn't turn out very well, everybody was interested to see what a second movie had to offer, especially since there was a 4 year interlude between them. The second Wolverine movie, simply titled 'The Wolverine' didn't do any better than it's previous film though. Only earning 53 million in it's opening weekend compared to the first film's 85 million. Despite neither of these films being very well received, Logan is shaping up to be a very welcome addition to the X-men cinematic universe but how? And I think there are quite a few factors to this but by far the biggest two are the R rating and the fact this film is both Hugh Jackman's and Patrick Stewart's final performances for the X-men franchise, all 3 of which have been pushed in the advertising exponentially. So taking into account that the fanbase have been asking for an R rated Wolverine movie for a long time as well as it being two of the franchises biggest names' final movies, the movie generated a lot of hype very quickly, especially among the already existing community of the X-men franchise.


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