Ocean's Eleven

Directed by Steven Soderbergh
Released in 2001
Genre of Crime and Thriller
Themes of theft, friendship, love, marriage, money, revenge.

I have very mixed feelings on heist movies because it's rare they actually surprise me. For some reason, most appear quite predictable to me and feature the same dull characters. I'm also not a fan of George Clooney as an actor. They both tend to bore me. So why is it this film contains both, yet I was very enthralled? Perhaps it was the rest of the star-studded cast. Don Cheadle's character in particular was entertaining to watch. He added some much needed light-hearted humor to the tone of the film which I believe would have been far too serious considering how cheesy it was had he not been included. I also feel the film dragged on for far too long. The first hour or so is a montage of the 'meet the crew' variety which could have easily been shortened to save time, money and improved the pace of the movie. This could have raised excitement and simply made the movie seem more fun rather than a tedious journey struggling to recruit members. I feel as though Suicide Squad pulled off their 'meet the crew' montage far better. In conclusion, I don't believe this is the best heist movie like many sites seem to suggest but it certainly fills all the tick boxes on the genre. Perhaps that's why it didn't reach it's potential. It didn't take many risks or deviations from the genre like Reservoir dogs did.


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