The Angels' Share

Performance: The performances were terrifically natural. There was one point where one of the actor's messed up their line and just calmly corrected themselves just as any normal person would. It was a good touch to leave in rather than redoing the entire scene. Every character seemed real, 3D and human. The only thing I would correct is toning down the accents because wow was it difficult to understand sometimes. Although it did add to the reality of some of the characters. 7/10

Cinematography: I found some shots being a little closer than they should have been. For example when the 4 main characters were all drinking together, the shot stayed focused on Robbie for an unhealthy amount of time, sacrificing staying focused on the focus and action of the scene to embed into our minds that Robbie was the main character. I just wanted them to zoom out or switch to the action so I could see what was happening. 6/10

Mise-en-scene: Every costume fit the scene relatively well and I didn't find anyone that looked out of place. However none of the shots really stood out to me as meaningful or beautiful. The only shot I noticed that had subtle meaning behind it was when Robbie was hiding in the barrels and heard Thaddeus trying to strike a deal. This gave him the idea to sell the bottles to him and this sudden realization was portrayed by the light that was lighting up Robbie's face. Like a lightbulb. 4/10

Light: Using the light to portray the idea was a very nice touch but again, I didn't see many excellent uses of it to create meaning. When Robbie was dragged into the stairwell in the hospital to be beaten up, it was much darker than when he was in the hope filled hospital, about to meet his son. Other than those two instances, I can't think of any other times where the light showed some sort of meaning. 7/10

Sound: There were a lot of sound effects that left me thinking "Really?" because I recognized them. They were overused and basic sound effects that I could probably search up and find right now on the internet. For example they used a fart sound effect at one point that was such a commonly used effect, it made the entire scene seem fake and see-through. The same with some of the punch sound effects when Robbie's Father-in-law was brutalizing him. They should've spent a little more on the sound budget just to make sure the sound effects weren't as cliche because it really broke the fourth wall to me, and not in a good way. 3/10


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