Jackass: The Movie

Directed by Jeff Tremaine
Released in 2002
Starring Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Christ Pontius
Genre: Documentary, Comedy

The second mockumentary I've ever seen. When I saw it tagged as a documentary, I was baffled and wondered how in the world it could be considered any kind of documentary. But it is. A documentary with no real objective except to entertain. Even so, it's very lose in it's comparison's to other documentaries. Even the format seems unique. There's no interviews, just clips of the various pranks and schemes they're known for. I never watched the show, so perhaps the difference lies in the behind-the-scenes set-up's that we see here. Regardless, it is a documentary and so it must have at least some kind of comparisons to the other documentaries I've watched. Documentaries are often given controversial attention for being fake and one-sided. After all, it's hard to ever tell what the director decided to film and what not to film, cut and what not to cut, show and what not to show. However, considering many of the Jackass' crews' stunts often make it to the news, at least those that are in public, it seems to be one of the least biased and most honest documentaries so far. I suppose it is hard to have some kind of hidden agenda that can be pushed forth by being impaled by a bull.


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